Don't Wait! Find Your Path with DMIT Test & Online Counselling


dmit test

DMIT, an acronym for Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test, is a powerful assessment tool that utilizes an individual’s fingerprints to unravel their innate intelligence, personality traits, and preferred learning style. Through the examination of specific patterns found in fingerprints, DMIT experts believe that a person’s abilities and characteristics can be discerned.

Coined by Dr. Harold Cummins in 1926, the term “Dermatoglyphics” refers to the scientific study of patterns of ridges on the skin, specifically found on the fingers, toes, and soles of humans. These patterns reveal the profound connections between our fingers and our intrinsic qualities and talents. Originating from the external ectoderm during fetal development, typically between the 13th and 21st week, these dermatoglyphic patterns have become an essential tool developed by Dr. Harold Cummins, tracing genetic and evolutionary relationships. Furthermore, it has found applications in identifying certain mental conditions such as mental retardation and schizophrenia.

Surprisingly, children whose brain development deviates from the normal course can exhibit distinct fingerprint patterns. Through careful analysis of these patterns, the DMIT test aims to uncover an individual’s extraordinary cognitive abilities, highlight their potential strengths, and identify areas for improvement. By gaining insights into one’s innate intelligence and preferred learning style, individuals can make informed decisions about their educational pursuits, career paths, and personal development.

In conclusion, the DMIT test represents an innovative assessment tool that examines fingerprints to unravel innate intelligence, personality traits, and preferred learning styles. The scientific study of dermatoglyphics provides a fresh perspective on human development, offering valuable insights for personal growth and decision-making. By embracing the power of the DMIT test, individuals can gain an enhanced understanding of themselves and make thoughtful choices to optimize their lives.

In 1950 a Canadian neurosurgeon, Professor Penfield published a paper – “Cross-sectional diagram of brain in relation with various parts of body” which indicated close relation between fingerprints and cerebrum. In 1981 Professor Roger W. Sperry was awarded Noble Prize in Physiology & Medicine for his work on split-brain, a study on functions of right and left cerebral hemispheres & double brain theory. It was a major breakthrough in the evolution of ‘Dermatoglyphics’.


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